Four core businesses dedicated to the optimization of railway work equipment:
I. Entity in charge of maintenance
Masteris is ECM certified for all four functions according to the new European regulation
II. Modifications of railway works equipment
Complete mastery of the modification of railway work equipment
III. Railway safety equipment
A complete range of services for your security equipment projects.
IV. Admission of rolling stock to the National Rail Network
Obtain all the necessary evidence for the admission process.
Entity in charge of maintenance
The ECM is a regulatory obligation. Widely applied in Europe, this regulation has been applicable in France since 16 June 2020 for construction equipment with some particularities, especially for equipment approved before this date.
Masteris is ECM certified for all four functions in accordance with the new European regulation 2019/779 and can carry out all or part of these functions on behalf of its customers.

Since June 2020, MESEA, maintainer of the LGV SEA Tours-Bordeaux line,
has entrusted all ECE missions to Masteris for the management of
its entire fleet of machines:
- 2 tracklayers, 2 ZCA tamping machines and 1 stabiliser wagon.
- A 5 year full service ECE contract.
Modifications to railway works equipment
Masteris masters the complete modification process which includes functional specification, integration studies, industrialization and realization, procurement of supplies, as well as testing and commissioning, not to mention admission.
Our strengths
In-house design office
Documentation update
purchasing/logistics department
multipurpose response team
treatment of different countries
single point of contact
Railway safety equipment
The regulatory obligations that maintenance entails make the issues related to security equipment sensitive. Masteris supports its clients by offering a complete range of services for their security equipment projects.
Our strengths
Source of proposals
dedicated team
engineering of the sncf group
Multi-country troubleshooting
Hardware repair in a multi-country context
SNCF Réseau
TVM troubleshooting on DE18 SNCF Réseau
Investigations TVM 430 and Radio MESA 23 on BROOM MESEA

Admission of rolling stock to the National Rail Network
The Masteris Acceptance department department is the client's privileged interface with the authorities, evaluators, designers and testing teams in order to obtain all the evidence necessary for the admission process.