Maintaining skills - NDT Operator - Penetrant Testing Level 1 (MAMCENDR1)
Technicentre Rouen Quatre-mares

- Reminder of general organizational principles, legal/regulatory framework, certification process, habilitation process
- Reminder of vocabulary and technical points of the method
- A reminder of defects
- Documentary and NDT material developments
- Practical experience on railway applications
Pedagogical objectives
- Maintain your skills as a CFCM-certified agent
- Knowledge of changes in standards and materials related to its scope of activity
Benefits of this training
Our customer references
Personnel involved
PT1 CFCM certified and authorized agents
Valid PT1 CFCM certification
Course duration
1.5 days
Technicentre Rouen Quatre-mares

Our training correspondents
We can help you define your needs and meet your operational challenges by upgrading the skills of your staff.