NDT Operators - Module: Ultrasonics - Application to bogies (MAUTB1)
Technicentre Rouen Quatre-mares

- Principles and objectives of non-destructive testing
- General
- An understanding of steel production, component shaping processes and the main faults associated with the use of railway components in service.
- Basic physical phenomena of the ultrasonic testing method :
- Principles of examination techniques
- Apparatus and equipment
- How it works
- Observing indications and classifying
- Reconditioning of parts after testing
- Health and safety
- Documents
- Practical work
Pedagogical objectives
- Cite and explain the principles and aims of non-destructive testing, based on the theoretical foundations.
- Identify railway terms and the appropriate technical vocabulary
- Quote and explain the basic physical principles and phenomena of ultrasonic testing
- Selecting ultrasonic equipment, accessories and facilities
- Use ultrasonic test equipment with the required technical data sheets
- Identify indications, characterize and trace results using appropriate forms
Benefits of this training
Our customer references
Personnel involved
Personnel wishing to obtain UT1 qualification/certification in the CFCM bogie sector in accordance with NF EN ISO 9712
Technical knowledge and technologies related to NDT Recognize defects encountered in maintenance on metal parts (origin, characterization and consequences)
Course duration
12 days
Technicentre Rouen Quatre-mares

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